The Santa Catarina Power Distribution Company Streamlines its Operations

The Santa Catarina Power Distribution Company Streamlines its Operations

Remotatec technology streamlines and optimizes communication operations at Celesc Distribuição.


Celesc Distribuição, set up in 2006, is the subsidiary of the state-owned company Celesc responsible for supplying electricity to 2.8 million consumer units. It is one of the largest energy distributors in the country, recognized for the high quality of its services. The company's concession area encompasses the entire territory of the state of Santa Catarina and the municipality of Rio Negro, in the state of Paraná, where a highly qualified and diversified consumer market is located.


The system is divided into 16 micro-regions that operated in isolation and independently without the possibility of being interconnected or controlled remotely. Besides this, there was a deficiency in radio coverage and also the need for the Distribution Operations Center. COSD, in the Capital to take over the radio dispatching from the Regional Control Centers at certain times when these were without local operators.


O cliente já possuía uma pequena rede de comunicação VHF digital da Motorola Solutions. Após serem estudados diversos fornecedores no mercado, a Motorola Solutions foi a que melhor atendeu aos requisitos técnicos no que se refere às necessidades operacionais do sistema VHF da Celesc. Foi contratada a empresa DRJ Radiocomunicação, Revenda Platinum Motorola Solutions, que fez um levantamento das falhas do sistema e realizou mudanças e adequações no sistema de rádio. Ampliou a cobertura quando necessário e interligou as repetidoras com IP Site Connect dentro de cada uma das 16 microrregiões, através de link de dados, de maneira a atender perfeitamente às necessidades da operação. O despacho de rádio remoto do Centro de Supervisão na Capital opera com os consoles TXROIP e o servidor TXROIP System via IP com os gateways que estão conectados a uma estação base MOTOTRBO™ em cada uma das 16 cidades base que possui Centro de Controle. Toda essa interconectividade foi realizada em 120 dias. Foi utilizado rádio móvel para acesso à rede de rádio, com o console de despacho TXROIP, possibilitando a gama completa de funções de voz e dados. Habilitou também o monitoramento em tempo real, gravação de gráficos de todo o sistema de rádio, gerenciado pelo software Radar que permite gerar relatórios e exportar áudios. A DRJ ocupou-se dos projetos de cobertura do sistema irradiante de cada site, enquanto a Remota Tecnologia instalou os gateways e consoles.


The field maintenance teams, control center operators and third parties are the main users of the solution that brought numerous benefits. Gains in agility and productivity were obtained in the dispatching of field teams, contributing to the reduction of response time to occurrences. On the other hand, the centralization of the Operation Centers brought a reduction in staff costs and enabled greater control of the dispatching procedures and intelligence in directing the teams in the field, avoiding unnecessary displacements. It also increased the quality and safety of service orders, with better communication and greater clarity and reliability in voice dispatch messages for field teams. Currently, the company is operating and monitoring all 16 micro-regions in the state and takes control of radio dispatching via IP from any Control Center that needs stability, optimizing its resources and collaborators.

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